Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Chantal Joffe - Comparison

Chantal Joffe, "Big Head," 2003, oil

Joffes work is similar to mine in process and concept. Although she uses oil paint and I use acrylic, she mentions when talking about her process that she enjoys the messiness of the paint and talks of her struggle to master the medium. I too approach painting as a struggle and experimentation with new techniques and ways of manipulating the paint. Both Joffe and I have a somewhat loose painterly quality to our work, leaving room for the paint to make some of the decisions for itself. Conceptually, Joffe's work is largely psychological and emotional, something that I have been trying to achieve throughout my work. For example, during her pregnancy, Joffe talks about trying to convey the anxiety and physical changes that come from being pregnant. I want to try and narrow my conceptual focus to more specific topics, rather than broad generally ideas.

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