Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Alice Neel - Comparison

Alice Neel, "Priscilla Johnson," 1966, oil on canvas

Neel and I share portraiture as a subject matter. And, within that suject matter comes a similar conceptual matter as well. Neel's portraits have been characterized as highly psychological as she seeks to show how the outside forces of society affect a person both mentally and physically, something I hope to achieve in my work. Neel's combination of Realism as well as Expressionism contribute to her ability to accurately portray her subjects as well as a secondary element of personality in those she portrays as well as herself. I find that Neel's work is "better" than mine due to her ability to freely attack the canvas with her self expression. She is not focused on photo-realism and works fully from life. I want to break free from trying to make my work look "pretty" and focus more on the process, which I feel will lend to the psychological aspects of my work.

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