Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Assignment 2, Part 2: Painter that Resembles My Own Work....

Eric Fischl
I feel that Fischl and I share a similar imagery when it comes to portraiture. However, he uses a somewhat tighter brushstroke than I do. He tends to use dramatic lighting, which is something that I have not yet utilized as a significant part of my work, but is definitely something that I want to begin incorporating into my work. I do not want to lose my spontaneous brush stroke pattern, but I feel that using more distinctive placement and lighting will aid in my desire to evoke emotion and emphasize a certain elements of the figure. Fischl also uses more accurate flesh tones than I do, but leaves his colors chunky and brushstrokes visible. His use of layer is apparent, something that is very important to me, but within Fischl's layers, the colors are not lost. This is something that I want to emulate as well. I find that I so heavily layer my paint at times that tones get too blended and begin to look muddy. Conceptually, Fischl captures moments in time, leaving the figures slightly vulnerable. I too am interested in capturing a moment in time as well as a specific quality of my subjects.  

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